just to remind myself that my blog is not dead yet.
some recent things that happened:
finished my internship at deloitte! actually it was really fun, because of the company that was always there - lunches in big groups, making many new friends. as compared to working alone in a smaller company and having not much friends you can talk to at work. but gotta reconsider about audit after this internship.. dont wanna be stuck 3 years in a job that i hate and let my hair turn white haha.
casper was hospitalized after getting some inflammation in his pancreas? thanks to his nonsense eating habits -__- picking up every single rubbish on the ground during his walks. my parents spent a bomb on him haha.
i fell sick! :( horrible flu i think its the worst combi to have flu and ___ tog? makes you feel thoroughly sick. nose has been leaking non stop zzz. hate flu :( and its gonna spoil the rest of my damn short and precious holiday of 4 days :(
gone for tooth treatment last week. ultra pain! still have one more treatment session pending. not looking forward to it at all :(
on a happy note, i feel a lot happier starting school this sem. i think its after working for 2 months haha. you realise that school has so much more freedom. and that we should treasure the remaining 2 years of study before we are thrown out into the working world permanently with 9-6pm jobs. imagine waking up at 7am everyday like a routine and only leaving the office when the sun is about to set. argh.